PCC Members

In Church of England churches, key decisions around governance, finance and mission are taken by the Parochial Church Council (PCC). The PCC is made up of clergy, licensed lay ministers and representatives from the congregation who are elected for a period of up to three years. Elections take place in April or May at our Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM). 

To serve on the PCC, or to vote at the APCM, you need to be over 16 and to be signed up to our electoral roll. We meet five times a year, in alternate months, with an Away Day in June to spend time in prayer and discernment of the bigger picture. The Standing Committee ( currently Vicar, Churchwardens and Treasurer) meet in months when the PCC does not to cover the detail of governance and maintenance and to make recommendations to the PCC.

If you have any concerns, of if there are aspects of church life that you think the PCC should be discussing, you can talk to any PCC member. It is their responsibility to represent your views in our meetings!

Please find below an introduction to our PCC Members.
Jessica Ray Shergill
Rev. Jessica Smith - Vicar Ray Shergill - Assistant Curate
PCC Chair - Standing Committee Chair PCC Member (since April 2022)
Ian Andrew
Ian Baldwin - Pastoral Assistant Andrew Griffiths - Treasurer
PCC Member (since April 2024) PCC Member (since April 2023) - Standing Committee Member
Terry Ruth
Terry Wright - PCC Secretary Ruth Wright - Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO) - Deanery Synod Rep (since April 2022)
PCC Member (since April 2023) PCC Vice Chair 2024-2025
Julian Richard T
Julian Providence Richard Thomson - Churchwarden (since April 2025)
PCC Member (since April 2024) Standing Committee Member
Sue Tamara
Sue Thomson - Deputy Parish Safeguarding Office Tamara Cooper
PCC Member (since April 2023) PCC Member (since April 2022)
Ollie Pete
Ollie Mitwali Pete Carter - Deputy Parish Safeguarding Office
PCC Co-opted Member (since April 2024) PCC Member (since April 2022)
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Beccy Short - Churchwarden (since April 2025) Frances Braithwaite
Standing Committee Member PCC Member (since April 2024)
Kemi Russ
Kemi Ogundipe - Licensed Lay Minister Russ Jones - Lay Reader
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Jessica  Moscrop Janice Bessant - Lay Reader
PCC Member (since April 2024)  
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Marggie Gomba Hazel Willson
PCC Member (since April 2024) Deanery Synod Rep (since April 2022)

If you need to contact the Church then please visit the Contact Us page.

Hello and welcome to our church. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.
Click here to see more.

Planning your Visit

New to Church?

If you're coming to Holy Trinity with St John's for the first time, this information will help you know what to expect.

Where and When?

Our 8am service is at our Holy Trinity Site (location details here). 

Our 10:30am service is at our St John's Site (location details here). 

For more information about our different Sunday services, please click here.

What about my children?

We actively welcome families with children of all ages. If your child is a baby or a toddler, they will remain with you for the duration of the service. A welcomer will give you a Toddler Bag as you come in - these contain a variety of toys and games to entertain your child. We are aware that it can be very hard for a toddler to remain in their seat throughout the service. If your child is getting restless, there is space on the carpeted area at the back where they can move about - and don't worry at all if they make a noise!

To find out more about our groups for children and young people aged 3-18, please click here.

Midweek Activities

A variety of community activities run across our two sites throughout the week:

Christians Against Poverty
We are pleased to be working in partnership with Christians Against Poverty (CAP), a national debt support and advice charity that works through a network of centres based in local churches. More ...
Knit and Natter
Knit and Natter
A group who like to knit and natter - they do exactly what it says on the tin! More ...
Little Fish Banner
Little Fish
Our Adults' and Toddlers' Group is called Little Fish. More ...
Living Well
Living Well
Living Well is a charity founded and operating from our Holy Trinity site offering a food bank, community cafe, hot lunches and much more. More ...
Open Doors
Open Doors
A friendship group for the over-50s. More ...
Get in touch with us if you have any further questions
Email Address:
Comments / Questions or anything you would like to say?

We will contact you by email during our normal office hours