9th February 2025 

So many fish

"...So many fish..."

Generosity and the Character of God.

The Lectionary reading set for this Sunday, which we will be exploring at our 8am service, is one of my all-time favourite stories - Jesus' encounter with Peter as narrated in Luke 5. At the beginning of the story, Peter, a fisherman, has had a difficult night. "We have worked hard all night long," he tells Jesus in verse 5, "but have caught nothing." Nevertheless, and despite fatigue and frustration, Peter has allowed Jesus to use his boat as a platform from which to teach the crowd gathered on the shore. And he is prepared to listen to Jesus and to obey the instruction to let down his nets on the other side of the boat. The outcome is a miraculous catch - "so many fish that the nets were beginning to break" (verse 6) - a miracle that brings others to help bring in the nets. Something about this catch prompts Peter to recognise something in Jesus which he cannot yet articulate; he falls on his knees and cries "Go away from me Lord, for I am a sinful man."

When Peter lets down his net on the other side of the boat, he receives not a few fish, a small catch to make him feel better, nor an ordinary catch, but "so many fish that the nets were beginning to break." And there is something about the abundance, the generosity of Jesus' miracle, that enables Peter to see in Jesus something of the nature of the holy God - that leads him to respond in reverence and worship, to recognise his own unworthiness to stand in Jesus' presence.

I wonder where the areas of fatigue and frustration are for us - in our personal lives, in our work lives (paid or unpaid), in the life of our church? I wonder if there are times when we are tempted, like Peter, to say to Jesus, "We have worked hard... but... nothing." I notice that Jesus, in his generosity, comes to Peter and asks Peter to make space for him in the boat. I am encouraged that Jesus is present there in the place of fatigue and frustration. And I see that, in the presence of Jesus, Peter is able to look differently, to do something new, to let down his net on the other side of the boat.

I wonder how Jesus might be present in our places of fatigue and frustration? I wonder how the presence of our generous Lord might help us to look differently? I wonder what it might mean for us to let down our nets on the other side of the boat?

Jessica name


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Planning your Visit

New to Church?

If you're coming to Holy Trinity with St John's for the first time, this information will help you know what to expect.

Where and When?

Our 8am service is at our Holy Trinity Site (location details here). 

Our 10:30am service is at our St John's Site (location details here). 

For more information about our different Sunday services, please click here.

What about my children?

We actively welcome families with children of all ages. If your child is a baby or a toddler, they will remain with you for the duration of the service. A welcomer will give you a Toddler Bag as you come in - these contain a variety of toys and games to entertain your child. We are aware that it can be very hard for a toddler to remain in their seat throughout the service. If your child is getting restless, there is space on the carpeted area at the back where they can move about - and don't worry at all if they make a noise!

To find out more about our groups for children and young people aged 3-18, please click here.

Midweek Activities

A variety of community activities run across our two sites throughout the week:

Christians Against Poverty
We are pleased to be working in partnership with Christians Against Poverty (CAP), a national debt support and advice charity that works through a network of centres based in local churches. More ...
Knit and Natter
Knit and Natter
A group who like to knit and natter - they do exactly what it says on the tin! More ...
Little Fish Banner
Little Fish
Our Adults' and Toddlers' Group is called Little Fish. More ...
Living Well
Living Well
Living Well is a charity founded and operating from our Holy Trinity site offering a food bank, community cafe, hot lunches and much more. More ...
Open Doors
Open Doors
A friendship group for the over-50s. More ...
Get in touch with us if you have any further questions
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